Multilingual A-maze: Generating Maze Experiments in Mandarin and Beyond

maze task

Lisa Levinson, Yizhi Tang, Yu-Chuan Lucy Chiang, Wei-Jie Zhou, Sohee Chung


March 11, 2023

Poster presented at HSP 2023 (36th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, March 9-11, 2023.)

Broadening the linguistic diversity of research focus has proved difficult in the domain of psycholinguistics, where English dominates and English-based experimental resources perpetuate this dominance. In this project we extend the recently innovated A-maze experiment generation tools to work with Mandarin (the most orthographically challenging) and a wide range of other languages, and have created an open source software package that will be easily accessible to researchers of different technical skill levels around the world.

Poster Abstract Code